
vnStat-anetworktrafficmonitorforLinuxandBSD-vnstat/config.subatmaster·vergoh/vnstat.,vnStat-anetworktrafficmonitorforLinuxandBSD-vnstat/cfg/vnstat.confatmaster·vergoh/vnstat.,Theconfigurationfileisdividedintothreesectionsbasedontheusageofeachkeyword.Thefirstsectioncontainskeywordsthatare ...,vnstat(1),vnstati(1)andvnstatd(1)allusethesameconfigurationfileforstoringconfigurationdata.Someoftheset...

vnstatconfig.sub at master

vnStat - a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD - vnstat/config.sub at master · vergoh/vnstat.

vnstatcfgvnstat.conf at master · vergohvnstat

vnStat - a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD - vnstat/cfg/vnstat.conf at master · vergoh/vnstat.

Man page of VNSTAT.CONF

The configuration file is divided into three sections based on the usage of each keyword. The first section contains keywords that are ...

vnstat.conf(5): vnStat config file - Linux man page

vnstat(1), vnstati(1) and vnstatd(1) all use the same configuration file for storing configuration data. Some of the settings are common for all three programs.

vnstat.conf - vnStat configuration file

The configuration defines how many of the past top day entries will be stored. Set to -1 for unlimited entries or to 0 to disable the data collection of this ...


... vnstat.conf 這個設定檔中,將Interface eth0 改為Interface 網卡編號,如下:. # vnStat 1.11 config file ## # default interface. Interface ...

流量监控软件vnstat - Hnoss

在 vnstat_php_frontend-1.5.1.tar.gz 包里的config.php 里有说明。 最后,编辑 vnstat/config.php 这个文件,将数据目录改为 /var/lib/vnstat/ ,如果 ...

How to add interface to vnstat to database for monitoring

The default config file is /etc/vnstat.conf and can be edited to set default interface and other settings: $ sudo vim /etc/vnstat.conf. On ...

VnStat,在Ubuntu 20.04中監視網絡流量

這是一監控網絡流量的免費工具,它也是開源的,被創建為在Gnu / Linux系統的終端中使用。 使用VnStat,我們將能夠監視不同時間段內的網絡統計信息。 它簡單,輕巧,並且佔用系統 ...